Stage Strings (string quartet) String Quartet from classical to jazz, pop and folk music

Based in Netherlands

Groningen, Gemeente Groningen, Provincie Groningen, Netherlands
Main band photo

Groningen, Gemeente Groningen, Provincie Groningen, Netherlands

up to 100 miles

from €1000 (EUR)

10 / 10 from 1 review

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Price Guide

Available to book from €1000 (EUR). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.

About / Biography

Stage Strings is an ensemble based in The Netherlands, founded in March 2023 after a collaboration with the Stage Jazz Band. Meeting each other at the Prins Claus Conservatorium (Groningen), we currently have a solid project that focuses on style-mixing, regularly performing classical, jazz and modern genres with our string instruments. Our four different nationalities make us a really versatile quartet with a unique vision.

As an active quartet, we organize our own concerts as well as playing in different events like weddings, galas or parties all over the country. We have also worked with different composers recording their pieces, as well as performed with bands that require strings for special concerts.

Please do not hesitate to contact us and we can arrange the best repertoire for your event!

Playing with amplification is possible.

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Reviews (1)

There is currently 1 user rating for Stage Strings (string quartet)


10 / 101


Based in Netherlands

Groningen, Gemeente Groningen, Provincie Groningen, Netherlands
Travels up to 100 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 100 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

Technical Info

What are your basic technical requirements?

At least 4x4m
Four chairs
One parking space

Do you provide sound and lighting equipment?

Own microphones (phantom power in three)

Can you provide a Spotify/DJ service before and between your sets?

Yes, we can do it


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