David Michael Carrillo Church, Praise and Worship, Inspirational , singer/songwriter, guitar

Based in United States

Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States
Main band photo

Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States

up to 12500 miles

from $500 (USD)

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Price Guide

Description Price
Speical music for Church worship services both traditional or contemporary$1 (USD)
Preaching/speaking and singing for Church worship services both traditional or contemporary$1 (USD)
Christain school chapel service, Christian Mission conferences, Christian events:/speaking and singing$1 (USD)
Christian concert for the whole family with a blend of Hymns,Praise and worship and original songs by David Michael Carrillo$1 (USD)
David Michael Carrillo and GentleWind Ministries International do not charge for his appearance. His appearance is in support of his continuing work in Latvia and the former Soviet Union/Communist countries. Therefore we ask that a freewill/love offering would be taken at the end of your time with David Michael. The only ''upfront'' cost would be for gas and that a host family would host David Michael during his time with you.

About / Biography

David Michael Carrillo is an award-winning musician, Pastor, author, and speaker who has been on a "Life-changing Adventure" since He came to faith in Jesus Christ at age 6 in 1972.

Many have been deeply touched by his music and ministry as he shares about the challenges of growing up with learning disabilities, peer rejection, ADHD, and the incredible way the Lord used him to bring healing to the nation after the tragedy at Columbine High School, in Littleton, CO in April of 1999.

In the summer of 2008, a short-term mission trip to the country of Latvia would forever change his life and ministry.

Although his ministry base is located in Indianapolis, IN, David Michael lives 9 and a half months out of the year in the country of Latvia and serves as a ''Musicianary'' for the people of the country of Latvia and beyond. He continues to travel internationally sharing the Good News through his music, mission outreach, and ministry. He was "adopted' by Kristaps, Liga, and Markus who have claimed him as one of their own giving him the honor of being "dad’ ‘in their lives.

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Based in United States

Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States
Travels worldwide
pink circle = free travel (up to 5000 miles)

Technical Info

What are your basic technical requirements?

Two microphones, one for vocals, one for guitar, and an armless chair. Table for CD's, books, and ministry information

Performance Info

What are your typical setup and performance times?

My setup time is roughly 30-60 min.

More Info



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