Dharma Pop country acoustic duo

Based in Italy

Terni, Province of Terni, Umbria, Italy
Main band photo

Terni, Province of Terni, Umbria, Italy

up to 12500 miles

from €200 (EUR)

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Price Guide

Description Price
Duo for clubs€200 (EUR)
Duo for weddings€500 (EUR)

About / Biography

DHARMA è un progetto artistico nato dall'incontro fra le esperienze creative di due musicisti che sposano le loro sensibilità in un repertorio acustico d'autore, particolarmente attento alla cura delle sonorità sia canore che strumentali. I brani del repertorio sono rivisitazioni di brani celebri del repertorio pop-rock con spunti country blues. Un'alchimia che pone al centro le emozioni nude della musica.


DHARMA is an artistic project born from the meeting of the creative experiences of two musicians who marry their sensibilities in an acoustic songwriting repertoire, particularly attentive to the care of both singing and instrumental sounds. The songs in the repertoire are reinterpretations of famous songs from the pop-rock repertoire with country blues cues. An alchemy that places the naked emotions of music at the centre.

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Based in Italy

Terni, Province of Terni, Umbria, Italy
Travels worldwide

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