Available to book from €6000 (EUR). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.
Sjajna predstava s 13 profesionalnih glazbenika na pozornici. 4 mlade i lijepe pjevačice i jedan i jedini muškarac Elvis. Predstava traje 40 minuta za Abbu i 40 minuta za Elvisa. Oko 2 sata odlične predstave i dobre glazbe! Svi smo obučeni i spremni za predstavu. Ukupno ekipa za predstavu 16 ljudi.
Čak i nakon 50 godina postojanja ABBA-e, njihove se pjesme pjevaju i interpretiraju s istim žarom kao u vrijeme njihove najveće slave.
Jedan od rijetkih bendova koji je ostavio veliki trag na glazbenoj sceni i nalazi se na playlistama najstarijih generacija najmlađima, a neke od pjesama koje se ističu i danas su: "Gimme! Daj! Gimme!", "Kraljica plesa", "Waterloo", "Mamma Mia", "Novac, novac, novac", "Voulez-Vous" .... Kralj Rock 'n' Rolla, Elvis Presley!
Možda nije izumio rock & roll, ali neupitno je prva i najveća rock & roll zvijezda na globalnoj razini iako je nastupao samo u 3 grada izvan SAD-a. Njegova rekordna prodaja je u milijardama i još uvijek drži rekord za najviše Top 40 hitova s ukupno 114. Neke od njegovih pjesama koje se danas intenzivno slušaju su "Suspiscious minds", "That's okay", "Burning love", "Words" ....
Grossi & The Dreamers okupljaju Europu i Ameriku i nude vam jedinstveno iskustvo showa. ELVIS u izvedbi izvanrednog vokala Ante Grossia i ABBA-e u polifonoj izvedbi sjajnih mladih vokala. Za sve sanjare poput nas, generacije, obožavatelje od istoka prema zapadu, od sjevera prema jugu, koji nikada nisu imali priliku čuti Elvisa i ABBA-u, evo nas - Počast ELVIS-u susreće ABBA-u. Dobro odabrani hitovi koji će vas teleportirati u 50-e, 60-e i 70-e!
Sastanak se događa jednom u životu, stoga ne propustite ELVIS UPOZNAJE ABBU.
Ukupno trajanje glazbenog showa je 2 sata i 60 minuta za Elvisa i 60 minuta za Abbu s jednom pauzom između.
Grossi& the Dreamers je bend iz Hrvatske koji se sastoji od 13 profesionalnih glazbenika:
1."Elvis" - Ante Grossi, vokal i gitara
2. "Abba" pjevači i back vokali- Nika, Ana, Laura, Ela
3. Bubnjevi - Nikola,4. Bas gitara - Danko,5. Električni gitaristi - Dubravko &; Domagoj,6. Klavijaturisti - Marin &; Mario,7
A great show with 13 professional musicians on stage. 4 young and beautiful singers and the one and only man Elvis. The show lasts 40 minutes for Abba and 40 minutes for Elvis. About 2 hours of great show and good music! We are all dressed and ready for the show. The total crew for the show is 16 people.
Even after 50 years of ABBA's existence, their songs are sung and interpreted with the same fervor as in their heyday.
One of the few bands that left a big mark on the music scene and is on the playlists of the oldest generations and the youngest, and some of the songs that stand out even today are: "Gimme! Daj! Gimme!", "Kraljica plesa", "Waterloo", "Mamma Mia", "Money, Money, Money", "Voulez-Vous" .... The King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley!
He may not have invented rock & roll, but he is undoubtedly the first and biggest rock & roll star globally even though he only performed in 3 cities outside the US. His record sales are in the billions and he still holds the record for most Top 40 hits with a total of 114. Some of his songs that are heavily listened to today are "Suspiscious minds", "That's okay", "Burning love", "Words" .. ..
Grossi & The Dreamers bring together Europe and America and offer you a unique show experience. ELVIS in the performance of the outstanding vocalist Ante Grossio and ABBA in the polyphonic performance of brilliant young vocalists. For all the dreamers like us, generations, fans from east to west, north to south, who never had the chance to hear Elvis and ABBA, here we are - A Tribute to ELVIS meets ABBA. Well-chosen hits that will teleport you to the 50s, 60s and 70s!
It's a once-in-a-lifetime event, so don't miss ELVIS MEETS ABBA.
The total duration of the music show is 2 hours and 60 minutes for Elvis and 60 minutes for Abba with one break in between.
Grossi& the Dreamers is a band from Croatia consisting of 13 professional musicians:
1."Elvis" - Ante Grossi, vocals and guitar
2. "Abba" singers and back vocals - Nika, Ana, Laura, Ela
3. Drums - Nikola,4. Bass guitar - Danko, 5. Electric guitarists - Dubravko &; Domagoj, 6. Keyboard players - Marin &; Mario, 7
. Mjedena sekcija - Tomislav &; Kristijan
Elvis Presley
1. That's all right
2. All shook up
3. Jailhouse rock/Don't be cruel(medley)
4. Words
5. Sweet Caroline
6. The wonder of you
7. You don't have to say you love me
8. I just can't help believing
9. Suspiscious minds
10. Burning love
11. You've lost that lovin feelin
12. Bridge over troubled water
13. Unchain melody
14. Can't help falling in love
1. Money, Money Money
2. Gimme Gimme
3. Mamma Mia
4. Waterloo
5. Does your mother know
6. The Winner takes it all
7. I have a dream
8. S.O.S.
9. Voulez-Vous
10. Super Trouper.
11. Fernando
12. Chiquitita
13. Thank you for the music
14. Dancing Queen
Private Event
Corporate Event
Hotel / Restaurant Event
New Year's Eve
1960s Music
1970s Music
1980s Music
Rock 'n' Roll
Male & female vocalists
Female vocalist
Will travel internationally
Male vocalist