Kyle Groves Magic Unique Family Entertainment Guaranteed to Create Lifelong Memories

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Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, United States
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Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, United States

up to 12500 miles

from $250 (USD)

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Available to book from $250 (USD). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.

About / Biography

Kyle has been involved in magic since the day he was born. Growing up in a magical family with both of his parents already involved in the family business. Kyle learned the “tricks of the trade” from his dad, “Mr. E” and his mom, Kathleen.

By the age of eight Kyle was able to set up his father’s show, tear it down and pack it after the show. Kyle was also responsible for running the lights and music for the shows as well as performing as an onstage assistant along side his sister, Maggi and his mother. The family toured and performed across the Northwestern United States.

In 1979 the family relocated to Pueblo, CO where they have been performing non-stop. Performing over 400 shows per year across the United States and abroad. They have been seen in 45 of the United States, 7 Canadian Provinces and 8 Foreign Countries.
In 1999, they opened “Mr. E” Magic Shop in Pueblo. The venue quickly became the home of the BEST Birthday Party in Pueblo.

In 2004 Kyle began his solo career in magic as the resident magician at the World-Famous Royal Gorge Bridge in Canon City.

In 2005 Kyle and his wife and children moved to Atlanta Georgia and performed across the Southeastern United State.

In 2008 Kyle was named the Illusionist of the Year by the Family Entertainers of Atlanta. Kyle has also received the award of Doctor of Magic from The International Magicians Society.

In 2010 Kyle and his family moved back to Pueblo and continued the tradition renaming “Mr. E” Magic Shop to The Party People and Theater of Mystery. The business has been the recipient of several awards from local Chambers of Commerce, Downtown Association, Pueblo Arts Alliance and The City of Pueblo.

Today “Mr. E” and Kathy have retired from the business, but Kyle keeps the magic alive. Performing birthday parties, public magic shows, summer reading shows in 6 states.

Kyle and his wife Kendra relocated to the Amarillo, TX area in October of 2022. Kyle is now committed to making your next event a 100% success!
And together we will create MAGIC!

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Based in United States

Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, United States
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pink circle = free travel (up to 200 miles)

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