Celestial Music A nun who will sing the most beautiful songs, in modern or classic styles.

Based in Spain

Madrid, Spain
Main band photo

Madrid, Spain

up to 300 miles

from €600 (EUR)

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Price Guide

Description Price
Lyric, 1-3 songs in special moments of your event, different styles, played with organ or instrumental arrangement. €600 (EUR)
of Madrid. Concert, 4-12 songs, different styles, played as a concert or in special moments of your event, changes of clothes and stages. €900 (EUR)
Lyric + DJ, 4-12 songs in different moments of your event, 3 more hours of DJ Sister Hammond, we can play your favourit hits, €1200 (EUR)
At least half of the payment on advance, the rest, after sound check.

About / Biography

La Monja Hammond is a Spanish singer, electronic music composer and painter. Gospel oriented and with a classic and pop-rock background, she´s been building her music experimental design for several years, and as a result, we find a special sequence of sounds, obsessive expressiveness of melodies, angelical voices and magnetic rhythms to dance. A compact and colourful live show is the perfect complement for her first album "Celestial Music". In this ocasion she´s recorded a new release: 119 Psalm, in an experimental research of new textures for sound and frequencies. Playing live shows in Spain and Europe (Rietvelt Academie van Amsterdam, Tachelehuis, Berlín; Punk for the Homeless Fest, Boston, UK), she starts recording her new record "My Secret, Pure Love", in different ways of performance to create a real fact of connection with divine instances.

Set also in Spanish and English language.

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Based in Spain

Madrid, Spain
Travels up to 300 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 300 miles)
pink circle = free travel (up to 300 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

Availability Guide

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