Description | Price |
piano solo | €330 (EUR) |
Accompanist of opera singers | €220 (EUR) |
Original music for video/image/short/advertising/film/theatre | €440 (EUR) |
Brano originale per | €0 (EUR) |
Compositore, orchestratore, arrangiatore e pianista. Nasce a Pisa nel 1990. Compone musiche per il teatro da quando aveva 14 anni accompagnando il padre Andrea Buscemi e altri nomi dello spettacolo come quelli di Ugo Pagliai, Paola Gassman, Oreste Lionello, Corinne Clery, Debora Caprioglio, Nathalie Caldonazzo, Eva Robin's. Ha composto musiche di scena per più di trenta produzioni finanziate dalla fondazione Peccioli Per, dalla Fondazione Sipario Toscana e dal Ministero della Cultura, tra cui La dodicesima notte e Il Mercante di Venezia di William Shakespeare, Gli innamorati di Carlo Goldoni, l'Avaro di Moliere, Memorie di un pazzo di Nikolaj Vasil'evic Gogol, Le Libere donne di Magliano di Mario Tobino, Novecento di Alessandro Baricco che italiani hanno debuttato in prestigiosi teatri tra cui il San Babila di Milano, il Ghione di Roma, l'Abeliano di Bari. Con due lauree, in pianoforte e in composizione, conseguite entrambe con il massimo dei voti e la lode al Conservatorio Luigi Boccherini di Lucca con i maestri Maria Gloria Belli e Pietro Rigacci, ha scritto musiche originali anche per la televisione e per il cinema. Nel 2021 ha composto la colonna sonora per il film italo-canadese “Dans une semaine” diretto dal registra Roberto Zorfini - scelto fra i primi dieci film canadesi candidabili al 95° Academy Award di Hollywood - che ha debuttato in Canada, Stati Uniti e in Italia - nei Cinecittà Studios di Roma. Attualmente ha in cantiere nuovi progetti compositivi e pianistici, tra cui la composizione di un concerto per pianoforte e orchestra, dei concerti in Italia all'estero e l'incisione di un album di trascrizioni pianistiche inedite di musiche di Giacomo Puccini in occasione dei 100 anni dalla scomparsa del grande maestro (1924-2024).
Composer, orchestrator, arranger and pianist. He was born in Pisa in 1990. Composes music for the theatre since he was 14 years old, accompanying his father Andrea Buscemi and other names in show business such as Ugo Pagliai, Paola Gassman, Oreste Lionello, Corinne Clery, Debora Caprioglio, Nathalie Caldonazzo and Eva Robin's. He has composed stage music for more than thirty productions financed by the Peccioli Per Foundation, the Sipario Toscana Foundation and the Ministry of Culture, including William Shakespeare's The Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice, The Lovers by Carlo Goldoni, The Miser by Moliere, Memoirs of a Madman by Nikolai Vasil'evic Gogol, Le Libere donne di Magliano by Mario Tobino, Novecento by Alessandro Baricco that Italians have debuted in prestigious theatres including the San Babila in Milan, the Ghione in Rome, the Abeliano in Bari. With two degrees, in piano and in composition, both obtained with the top marks and honors at the Conservatorio Luigi Boccherini in Lucca with maestros Maria Gloria Belli and Pietro Rigacci, he has also written original music for television and for film. In 2021, he composed the soundtrack for the Italian-Canadian film ‘Dans une semaine’ directed by director Roberto Zorfini - chosen among the top ten films Canadian films nominated for the 95th Academy Award in Hollywood - which premiered in Canada, the United States and in Italy - at the Cinecittà Studios in Rome. He currently has in the pipeline new compositional and piano projects in the pipeline, concerts in Italy abroad and the recording of an album of unpublished piano transcriptions of music by Giacomo Puccini on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the great maestro's death (1924-2024).
For the performance of a concert I can use a grand piano, upright/digital piano with 88 weighted keys
In the event of a concert I must know the directions that will help me find the venue and have information on the instrument I will be playing.
I do not provide lighting equipment
Yes, I'm happy to play music from Spotify before, after if necessary.
In 2021 I composed the soundtrack for the Italian-Canadian film Dans une semaine, directed by Roberto Zorfini. The film was selected among the top ten eligible Canadian films for the 95th Academy Awards and premiered in Canada, the United States and Italy, at Cinecittà Studios in Rome.
I like playing at all kinds of events
I started playing and composing for the theater when I was 14 years old. My music has been performed in some of the most important Italian theaters supported by various foundations and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Culture
I love John Williams, Ennio Morricone, Ryūichi Sakamoto, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Alberto Iglesias etc.
In the case of a concert, I arrive on site 2/3 hours before the event. The concert generally lasts an hour but I have no limits.
I'm happy to play outdoors, but I ask for shade, a flat surface, and a good piano to perform on.
I clienti possono chiedermi brani e musiche ma possiedo anche un repertorio predefinito.
A mix of emotions and depth
Ugo Pagliai,
Paola Gassman,
Oreste Lionello,
Corinne Clery,
Debora Caprioglio,
Nathalie Caldonazzo,
Eva Robin's,
Andrea Buscemi,
Fondazione PeccioliPer,
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Italian Ministry of Culture
Private Event
Hotel / Restaurant Event
Funeral / Memorial
Religious Event
Theatre Show
Film / TV
Musical Theatre
Medieval / Early Music
Church Music
Background Music