Available to book from kr3000 (NOK). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.
Han ble født i Wałbrzych og oppvokst i Sokołowsko, en pittoresk by sør i landet. Allerede som barn elsket han å uttrykke seg gjennom musikk, men på den tiden viet han seg til sport. Han trente fotball, alpint og teakwon. -gjøre. År senere, på grunn av utallige skader, ble han tvunget til å avslutte sitt sportseventyr.De neste årene hang mørke skyer over ham, helt til han i en alder av 35 sang på et av karaokearrangementene i Oslo. I det samme øyeblikket følte han at sang fylte tomrommet i hjertet hans, et tomrom som hadde vært der i mange år. Etter denne begivenheten bestemte han seg for at han ville skape, og begynte å lete etter en måte å gjøre det bedre og mer profesjonelt på. I 2017 klarte han å etablere samarbeid med produksjonsduoen Kacprzak Sound - Michał Kacprzak og Dawid Łopatowski tok ham under sine vinger. I utgangspunktet var planen på kort sikt å gi ut en singel ("I Promise You") med den hensikt å sjekke publikums reaksjon. Etter gode innledende anmeldelser viste det seg at folk elsket Rummys pop-rock-stil. Beslutningen ble tatt for å gi ut enda en singel ("I've got so many emotions from you") og i konsekvens av hele albumet. 4. desember 2019 krysset Remiks musikalske skjebne med Soul Records plateselskap, og resultatet av dette samarbeidet ble albumet "I Promise You".I musikken sin snakker Remik hovedsakelig om kjærlighet og lykke, fordi disse to tingene får en person til å ville leve. Jeg føler meg best i ballader, men jeg begrenser meg ikke til én musikalsk sjanger.
He was born in Wałbrzych and grew up in Sokołowsko, a picturesque town in the south of the country. Even as a child, he loved to express himself through music, but at that time he devoted himself to sports. He practised football, alpine skiing and taekwondo. -making. Years later, due to numerous injuries, he was forced to end his sporting adventure, and for the next few years, dark clouds hung over him, until at the age of 35 he sang at one of the karaoke events in Oslo. At that very moment, he felt that singing filled the void in his heart, a void that had been there for many years.
After this event, he decided that he wanted to create, and started looking for a way to do it better and more professionally. In 2017, he managed to establish collaboration with the production duo Kacprzak Sound - Michał Kacprzak and Dawid Łopatowski took him under their wing. Initially, the short-term plan was to release a single ("I Promise You") with the intention of checking the audience's reaction. After good initial reviews, it turned out that people loved Rummy's pop-rock style. The decision was made to release a second single ("I've got so many emotions from you") and consequently the full album. On December 4, 2019, Remik's musical destiny crossed with Soul Records record label, and the result of this collaboration was the album "I Promise You".In his music, Remik mainly talks about love and happiness, because these two things make a person want to live. I feel best in ballads, but I do not limit myself to one musical genre.
1.Knocking on heavens door Bob Dylan
2.Beby can hold you tonight Tracy Chapman
3.Yesterday The Beatles
4.Unloved Espen Lind
5.Stay with me Remik
7.Falling down Remik
8.Let it be The Beatles
9.Lost Anouk
10.Tomorrow after yesterday Remik
I like to sit on the high chair when I’m performing.
It’s good to know contact person that can show me around or tell if there’s worming up please/back stage.
Charity concert for 200 people in Fredrikstad Norway
Acoustic concert
I joined a lot of jamsessions what gives med a good confidence on the stage.
Freddy Mercury had huge influence on me and my childhood.
My performance takes 2x45 min but it can take longer if I can repeat some best songs.
I have my list with 22 songs.
Previous customers said that my performance was great emotional ,worm voice.
Yes, it’s one of my favorites songs.
Veitvet Mela festival
Fredrikstad charity concert for Ukraine.
The taste of aboard festival Oslo
Fredrikstad kulturhuset
Birthday Party
Private Event
Corporate Event
Hotel / Restaurant Event
Bar / Venue Event
Funeral / Memorial
Wedding Proposal
Recording Session
Virtual Event
Charity Event
Theatre Show
Burns Night
New Year's Eve
World Music
Male vocalist