Available to book from €395 (EUR). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.
Thanks for visiting my page at gigheaven.com!
It would be my pleasure to come and perform for you!
You can book me as a Solo Saxophonist or: Sax & DJ (also solo, or duo, all music styles), Jazz Duo/Trio/Band (jazz, bossanova, ballads,gypsy,swing,pop) , Boogaloo Souljazz hammond Band, etc.
I have a lot of experience playing at: Weddings, Jazzfestivals, Corparate Events, Privat Party's, etc.
Let me know what you're looking for, i'll be glad to provide you with real good live music!
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The motto of saxophonist Toon Meijer has remained unchanged for years: "Blow until you drop, everywhere and always."
Because of that attitude, the dynamic and energetic "Saxotone" Meijer moves smoothly in the most diverse musical styles and line-ups.
Since a young age inspired by such trailblazers as Sonny Rollins, Stanley Turrentine, Branford Marsalis, King Curtis, Red Prysock, Jr.Walker,
and schooled "the hard way" by his teacher Tim Armacost and artists such as Chris Hinze, Jan Akkerman, Wanda Jackson, Gijs Hendriks, Blind Willie Foster, Mike del Ferro, Deborah Carter, and many others.
After studying at the Amsterdam Conservatory, Toon built his reputation at home and abroad with numerous artists and in as many ensembles. His playing has been described as 'multi-genre and multi-talented'.
In recent years Toon Meijer can be admired on (inter-) national stages, festivals and events with, among others, playing with DJ's or bands like his own Saxotones Groove Mission (hammond souljazz), Sunny Jazz Trio, Sax & Tracks (solo as sax/dj), Fire eaters, Mrs.Hips, VandeVen Band and others.
His own band Saxotones Groove Mission brings energetic Boogaloo and 'old school' Rhythm & Blues, musical freedom wrapped in catchy 'move your hips' tunes.
As a free lance musician Saxotone can be found anywhere and everywhere with a variety of artists, bands and DJ's.
In Dutch:
Het motto van saxofonist Toon Meijer is al jaren onveranderd: “Blazen tot je erbij neerval, overal en altijd”.
De dynamische en energieke ‘Saxotone’ Meijer beweegt zich door die instelling soepel in de meest uiteenlopende muziekstijlen en bezettingen.
Sinds jonge leeftijd geinspireerd door baanbrekers als Sonny Rollins, Stanley Turrentine, Branford Marsalis, King Curtis, Red Prysock, Jr.Walker,
en ‘the hard way’ geschoold door z’n docent Tim Armacost en artiesten als Chris Hinze, Jan Akkerman, Wanda Jackson, Gijs Hendriks, Blind Willie Foster, Mike del Ferro, Deborah Carter, en vele anderen.
Na zijn studie aan het Amsterdams Conservatorium bouwde Toon zijn reputatie op in binnen-en buitenland bij talloze artiesten en in evenzoveel samenstellingen. Zijn spel wordt omschreven als ‘multi-genre en multi getalenteerd’.
De laatste jaren is Toon Meijer te bewoderen op (inter-) nationale podia, Festivals en evenementen met onder meer Saxotones Groove Mission, Fire eaters, Sax & Tracks, Mrs.Hips, VandeVen Band e.v.a.
Zijn eigen band Saxotones Groove Mission brengt energieke Boogaloo en ‘old school’ Rhythm & Blues, muzikale vrijheid verpakt in aanstekelijke ‘move your hips’ tunes.
Saxotone is daarbij als free lance muzikant overal en nergens te vinden met uiteenlopende artiesten, bands en acts.
Birthday Party
Private Event
Corporate Event
Hotel / Restaurant Event
Bar / Venue Event
Funeral / Memorial
Wedding Proposal
Recording Session
Theatre Show
Christmas Party
New Year's Eve
1950s Music
1960s Music
1970s Music
1980s Music
1990s Music
2000s+ Music
Gypsy Jazz
Latin Jazz
Ibiza Club
Easy Listening
Background Music
DJ / background music options
Will travel internationally
Uses backing tracks