SONOSCOPIO Music Lab Produção e Realização de Eventos

Based in Portugal

Loures, Lisbon District, Portugal
Main band photo

Loures, Lisbon District, Portugal

up to 205 miles


Price Guide

Available to book from POA. For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.

About / Biography

SONORIZAÇÃO DE EVENTOS e ENTRETENIMENTO | Músicos e/ou Djs | Soluções Áudio e Luz Cénica para qualquer ocasião festiva ou projeto | Estúdio Digital (Serviços Sob Orçamento)

Bodas | Batizados | Aniversários | Raves | Festivais | Sunsets | Queima das Fitas | Festas de Empresa | Stand Up Comedy | Romarias | Campanhas Eleitorais/ Comícios | Manifestações | Congressos | Concentrações Motard | Natal e Réveillon | Outros(as)...

PS: A SONOSCOPIO NÃO ALUGA EQUIPAMENTO AO PORTADOR, prestamos serviços de sonorização de eventos que incluem sistemas de som profissional operados pelos nossos técnicos e/ou staff no acompanhamento e suporte presencial dos trabalhos, transporte, deslocação, montagem e desmontagem de todos os meios técnicos para o efeito.


EVENT SOUNDS and ENTERTAINMENT | Musicians and/or DJs | Audio and Stage Lighting Solutions for any festive occasion or project | Digital Studio (Services on Request)

Weddings | Baptisms | Birthdays | Raves | Festivals | Sunsets | Burning of the Ribbons | Company Parties | Stand Up Comedy | Pilgrimages | Electoral Campaigns / Rallies | Demonstrations | Congresses | Motorcycle Rallies | Christmas and New Year's Eve | Others...

PS: SONOSCOPIO DOES NOT RENT OUT EQUIPMENT, we provide sound services for events that include professional sound systems operated by our technicians and/or staff in the accompaniment and face-to-face support of the work, transport, travel, assembly and disassembly of all the technical means for this purpose.

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Based in Portugal

Loures, Lisbon District, Portugal
Travels up to 205 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 205 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

Technical Info

What are your basic technical requirements?

It depends on the event characteristics...

What information do you require about a venue?

Yes, we need all the essential details listed.

Do you provide sound and lighting equipment?

Yes, we supply audio services with PA systems and scenic lighting...

Can you provide a Spotify/DJ service before and between your sets?

Yes, we can play music from Spotify or other and choose the music ourselves or the client music list...

More Info

Events types:



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