KRAMER Punkrockband KRAMER is a punkrock band from Düsseldorf, Germany.

Based in Germany

Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf District, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Main band photo

Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf District, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

up to 3725 miles

from €400 (EUR)

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Price Guide

Description Price
Band performance at concerts€1000 (EUR)
Private parties€800 (EUR)
Festivals (price + travel expenses)€500 (EUR)
Frontband (price + travel expenses€500 (EUR)
Support band (price plus travel expenses)€600 (EUR)
Price includes all taxes, but travel. room and board come on top in all prices when the travel is more than 50Km.

About / Biography

KRACH - KRAWALL - KRAMER. Schnell, rauh, schwitzig, tanzbar.

Wanna have fun? Die vier Düsseldorfer Brüder von KRAMER

(Johnny Kramer: Vocals, Gitarre / Ylvo Kramer: Leadgitarre+Backingvocals Marc Kramer: Bass / Randy Kramer: Drums)

hauen uns die wirklich relevanten Themen um die Ohren: Hiebe, Liebe, Triebe. Ruppig, unverschnörkelt und direkt aus der Garage.

KRAMER sagt Dir: Du bist nicht allein. PunkRock at its best. Macht sofort glücklich & süchtig. Tanz den KRAMER!

Der Düsseldorfer Fotograf, Grafiker und Illustrator Johnny Kramer aka

John M. John kam zufällig nach langjähriger Abstinenz 2019 wieder zur Musik. Nachdem er als Gast bei Freunden im Proberaum der Einzige war, der „Machine Gun Blues" von Social Distortion und „Last Christmas" von Wham am schrägsten singen und klimpern konnte, wurde er direkt von seinen Kumpels verpflichtet. Nach einigen Umbesetzungen in der Band etablierte sich die bestehende Besetzung, die Johnny Kramer den Nährboden bietet für seine Songideen und Texte.

Ylvo Kramer ist ein musikalisches Urgestein in der Düsseldorfer Musikszene. Nach Zwischenstationen u.a. bei „Tilt!", „Mary in a Coma" und „Zay Deat" spielt der Weinliebhaber heute seine explosive Lead- und Slidegitarre für den schwitzigen KRAMER-Sound.

Marc Kramer tanzt auf vielen Partys bzw. zupft den Bass auf diversen Bühnen. Krautcore und Porn-Punk sind seine Heimat. Marc steht auf Pomade in den Haaren und harte Beats. Cooler geht's nicht.

Die bunte Eminenz hinter der Schießbude ist ein Phantom im

Music-Business! Randy Kramer, dessen zweiter Name und Wohnort ein

Buch mit sieben Siegeln ist, tief vergraben im verschollenen

Bernsteinzimmer. Umso prägnanter sein treibender Beat auf den Bühnen Europas mit präziser Blumigkeit im Nachgang. Fantastisch.


NOISE - RIOT - KRAMER. Fast, rough, sweaty, danceable.

Wanna have fun? The four Düsseldorf brothers from KRAMER

(Johnny Kramer: Vocals, Guitar / Ylvo Kramer: Leadguitar+Backingvocals Marc Kramer: Bass / Randy Kramer: Drums)

hit us around the ears with the really relevant topics: Hits, love, urges. Rough, unadorned and straight from the garage.

KRAMER tells you: You are not alone. Punk rock at its best. Makes you instantly happy & addicted. Dance the KRAMER!

The Düsseldorf photographer, graphic designer and illustrator Johnny Kramer aka John M. John returned to music by chance in 2019 after many years of abstinence. After being the only person who could sing and strum "Machine Gun Blues" by Social Distortion and "Last Christmas" by Wham in the weirdest way as a guest in a friend's rehearsal room, he was immediately signed up by his mates. After a few changes in the band, the existing line-up was established, providing Johnny Kramer with the breeding ground for his song ideas and lyrics.

Ylvo Kramer is a musical veteran of the Düsseldorf music scene. After stints with "Tilt!", "Mary in a Coma" and "Zay Deat", among others, the wine lover now plays his explosive lead and slide guitar for the sweaty KRAMER sound.

Marc Kramer dances at many parties and plucks the bass on various stages. Krautcore and porn punk are his home. Marc likes pomade in his hair and hard beats. It doesn't get any cooler than that.

The colourful eminence behind the shooting gallery is a phantom in the music business! Randy Kramer, whose middle name and place of residence is a book with seven seals, buried deep in the lost Amber Room. Amber Room. This makes his driving beat on the stages of Europe all the more incisive, with precise floridity in the aftermath. Fantastic.

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Based in Germany

Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf District, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Travels up to 3725 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 3725 miles)
pink circle = free travel (up to 20 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best gig you've ever done and the best venue you've ever worked at?

Zakk in Düsseldorf

What's your favourite type of event?


Performance Info

What are your typical setup and performance times?

Vocalist/Guitarrist in Front, Bass player left of him, second vocalist and guitar to his right and drummer behind the Lead vocal/Guitarrist.

Are you happy to perform outside?


How do previous clients most commonly describe your performances?

Powerfull and engaging.

More Info

Events types:




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