Windy Coast Band Banda de Swing y Jazz clásico, inspirada en el jazz de New Orleans

Based in Spain

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
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Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

up to 140 miles

from €1500 (EUR)

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Available to book from €1500 (EUR). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.

About / Biography

Windy Coast Band neix a principis del 2021 com a conseqüència de l’interès que desperta en els membres de la banda, músics de llarga trajectòria, el jazz antic que sorgí a principis del segle XX a la desembocadura del Mississipi i concretament, a New Orleans.

La banda recrea les sonoritats càlides i atemporals d’aquest estil tan característic, i alterna estàndarts típics del gènere amb altres temes més d’arrel i desconeguts per tal de mostrar una visió més àmplia de les composicions de l’època.

En un show molt dinàmic i fidel a l’essència us presentarem un repertori eclèctic amb temes tradicionals del sud d’EEUU, espirituals negres, blues , peces dels jazz funerals i second line, fins arribar a temes de grans músics i compositors de l’època com Duke Ellington, Clarence Williams, Louis Amstrong, Edward “Kid” Ory, Jelly Roll Morton i King Oliver, entre d’altres.

Tot això amb el toc propi i personal d’una formació amb un ampli ventall instrumental per aportar a cada peça la sonoritat i autenticitat precisa


Windy Coast Band was born at the beginning of 2021 as a result of the interest awakened in the members of the band, musicians of a long career, in the old jazz that arose at the beginning of the 20th century at the mouth of the Mississippi and specifically, in New Orleans .

The band recreates the warm and timeless sounds of this very characteristic style, and alternates typical standards of the genre with other more rooted and unknown themes in order to show a broader vision of the compositions of the time.

In a very dynamic and true-to-the-essence show, we will present you with an eclectic repertoire with traditional themes from the south of the US, black spirituals, blues, pieces from jazz funerals and second line, up to themes by great musicians and composers of the era such as Duke Ellington, Clarence Williams, Louis Armstrong, Edward “Kid” Ory, Jelly Roll Morton and King Oliver, among others.

All this with the own and personal touch of a formation with a wide range of instruments to give each piece the precise sonority and authenticity

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Based in Spain

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
Travels up to 140 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 140 miles)
pink circle = free travel (up to 30 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

wabash blues

my bucket’s got a hole on it

them things got me

muskrat ramble

canal street blues

mack the knife

livery stable blues

up on the housetop

st. James infarmary

creole call love

jubilée stomp

just a closer walk with tee

cold morning shout

royal garden blues


black bottom blues

bill bailey

west end blues

down by the riverside

when the saints go marching in

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