Available to book from €450 (EUR). For an accurate quote please make an enquiry.
Wij, Wirtshausmuzikanten 4-er BLECH, spelen Böhmische, Tanzl, Stimmungs, Oktoberfest muziek en zelfs Rockmuziek in polka vorm. ( Kerstmuziek tijdens kerstperiode)
Wij brengen 2 uren live muziek verdeeld over 2 à 3 sets opgevuld met muziek tijdens de pauze.
Wij spelen van het grootste podium tot het kleinste caféetje.
Alles is bespreekbaar.
We, Wirtshausmuzikanten 4-er BLECH, play Böhmische, Tanzl, Stimmungs, Oktoberfest music and even Rock music in polka form. ( Christmas music during the Christmas period)
We bring 2 hours of live music divided into 2 to 3 sets filled with music during intermission.
We play everywhere from the biggest stage to the smallest cafe.
Everything is negotiable.
We need a performance space of at least 4 meters x 3 meters. We require 2 x 230 Volt power sockets
We normally arrive 2 hours before the performance to set up. We normally perform 2 x 45 minutes or 2 x 60 minute sets. We’re happy to play a bit longer or shorter but we’ve found that these set times suit us and our audiences best."
Hotel / Restaurant Event
Bar / Venue Event
Christmas Party
German Music