Dan Shafer
"“Im a fan of music, and because my audience is as well, we share a deep bond. It's all about the music; Im
focused on connectivity and intimacy. My show is about the songs that take us back to a simpler time, songs that
make up the tapestry, the fabric of our lives.” “Keep the Rock Rolling”/ Dan Shafer
Celebrity QUOTES
"You are the best male singer to come along in a while!" -Kent Wells (Producer, Dolly Parton)
“You know Dan, you sounded so young to me. Like a 19, 20, 21 year old Vocalist. You are what I love about the
Voice. This guy’s got an amazing voice, I’m so glad I hit my button!!” — Blake Shelton
“57 year old Dan Shafer travel across the country to Los Angeles to appear on the Voice. After years of singing
jingles, Dan stepped out on the stage and blew me away with Trains “Marry Me”. His cover gave me chills and he
sounded better than some of the male Artists on top 40 radio ” — Jakes Takes, Hollywood Insider
“I’m so happy for Dan. He is an image of hope for everyone, to never give up on your dreams, never ever,
ever!!!” — Miley Cyrus
“Dan you have a very honest, genuine way of delivering your music. I love how you owned your space!!” — Alicia
“I closed my eyes and I heard you singing to me” — Lillydora / ITunes "Marry Me"
“Still coming back to this. One of the best auditions in the history of The Voice” — Mate Varga / YouTube "Marry
“I can’t begin to express how much I love his voice. I’ve listened to his version of this song at least 15 times and I
cried every time (an ugly cry)” — Jody Tone / ITunes "Marry Me"
“It’s so wonderful to hear this type of voice again” — Mike Peters / Arcada Theatre Chicago
“I love your courage, your positivity, your support of family, but most of all, your voice!!!” — Sandy Hatfield /
Face Book DanShaferMusic
“Just wanted to say thanks for proving that there is no expiration date on talent! As much as I like Pat Monohan,
(Of The Group Train), your take on Trains “Marry Me” was simply better. You crushed it!!!” — Michael Daniels /
Face Book DanShaferMusic
“WOW!!! This was an amazing performance. This man showed that age is just a number!!!” — PrinceSmash /
YouTube "Marry Me
“Your beautiful performance is being heard here in the Philippines. I am watching your songs via youtube.
“Hello from New Zealand Dan. We are just getting the Voice here and I just wanted to tell you that you’ve got a
fantastic voice. Please, please don’t ever give up on your dream!” — Karyn Bush
“Hello Dan, I’m from India. I really loved your voice so much. Your are a true soul that I felt in your voice. You are
really an inspiration. Thanks for showing yourself on the Voice” — Rohit Singh"
16th January 2025
The Voice Season 11
Chavée Acoustic-Duo
"Wir haben uns aus familiären Gründen für eine Trauung im eigenen Garten entscheiden und haben uns als musikalische Begleitung Chavee ausgesucht.
Angegangen von der Planung bis zur Umsetzung war es total unkompliziert und wurde auf unsere Wünsche mehr als eingegangen.
Unsere Hochzeit wurde durch Chavee einfach perfekt.
Wer Chavee noch nicht kennt, hat im Leben noch einiges verpasst!
Danke für diesen unvergesslichen Tag!"
16th February 2025
Patricia Mosler - Wedding Ceremony & Agape
Ken Campbell
"Ken is certainly a very talented musician who has a very big sound (drums, effects, etc.), but most importantly, Ken is an entertainer who draws his crowd in with him and assures that everyone has a good time. Incredible variety of songs (lists that he passes out) that customers can request. Don't miss this guy!"
17th February 2025
Mark - Tour boat
Karla Ruiz Music
"Amazingly talented duo, they were available last minute and were the perfect musical addition to our dinner party. They played a variety of popular songs perfect for the setting. And they were delightful to work with. Highly recommend."
19th February 2025
Nikki Rowley - Party In Barcelona, Spain
Eleazar Strachan
“Eleazar Strachan, long hair in a ponytail and playing a homemade guitar covered in flowery wallpaper, invited event host Adrian Ziller (also part of May’s band) to join him for a couple of songs, including an improvised run-through of Johnny Cash’s Folsom Prison Blues.
Eleazar’s style recalls Bob Dylan's,
with his long rambling, poetic original work,
songs that begins with the familiar folk style of previous work
soon explodes with a touch of rock licks
and rhythms, on his flowery acoustic guitar.
This is Eleazar at his best."
19th March 2025
Bruce Dennil - Country and blues project
The Mojo Blues
"Great band! Really enjoyed listening to them. High energetic music and great atmosphere! Mojo Blues forever!"
20th March 2025
Andrea Gregorio