Review Centre: Comedians

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"Johnny G performed at my sons 7th birthday party this weekend. My son absolutely LOVED all of the acts, magic, balloons and dancing! All the children loved it and were entertained by Johnny for a solid hour and a half. Johnny was hilarious, entertaining and a great performer! Everyone had a fantastic time kids and adults! Thanks again for making his birthday party a good one!!"
J Snowden (Birthday party )

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"Jeff, I’d like to say thank you for your very moving and inspirational performance during the opening ceremonies of the 2006 Hanger Education Fair. Your presentation was very well received by the attendees, and it set the stage for what many people thought was the most successful Education Fair we have ever had. The message you delivered after your vocal performance helped all of us at Hanger gain a greater appreciation for how the work we do impact our patients’ lives. Thank you again and best wishes."
Daryl Williams (Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Ed Fair)

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"We had brilliant feedback from our friends. They were truly impressed and dumbfounded! I loved that even sober Jake has no idea how the cross got onto his hand. But the best bit of feedback we had was when they said you were the highlight of the night! We have done this christmas get-together for the past 6 years and it has gone down as the best one and that was mainly down to you. Also, I must mention how lovely it was how you included Evie in the evening. She was so chuffed to be part of the grown-ups fun."
Kelly and Gareth (Christmas Party)

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"The Human Girl was great! Funny and entertaining the whole time. My guest were thrilled and had a great time. Id certainly get her again or go see her if I knew where her gigs were happening. Thanks Ethan your the best. Dawn"
Dawn Naka (Birthday party)

Reply by The Real Human Girl
Thank you Dawn and lots of love! Again it was a treat to perform and be the surprise!

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"Blaze' was a wonderful entertainer and did a fabulous job at my husband's and my joint 40th birthday party last weekend. He was great at making sure everyone got a chance to enjoy his amazing magic and left everyone surprised with his very clever tricks! Everyone from the youngest to the oldest enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend him for kids or adults parties. All round top performer!"
Celeste Swanepoel

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"Blaze is a wonderful magician that truly goes above and beyond what clients ask him for! I highly recommend him for your next event, birthday party, or celebration of any kind. He’s amazing with children and adults!"
Samantha Cooke

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"Thoroughly enjoyed working with Sam on VersaBank's Virtual Staff Christmas Party. A very professional production, Sam was very flexible and genuinely concerned with meeting our needs, all staff enjoyed the event. If your team can't meet in person, Sam's your guy. Recommended."

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"Joey's work was original and had me laughing so hard I had tears coming down my face. His body language/physical comedy was on point too."
Jamie Lopez

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"It’s clear that many in the audience are regulars, back to see regular Margate panto turn JezO make the same jokes as every year – which is not a bad thing. With his signature boombox routine it’s clear he’s a tight comedian, and his opening trick (a one man take on sawing the lady in half) shows he’s a fine magician, too. It’s his sixth year in Margate, and it’s clear he knows the theatre well, playing jokes up, down, and sideways to reach the back of the stalls and the top of the gods. This year, they’ve given him the gift of playing Silly Willy, a name which leads not so much to double entendres but to straightforward single ones."
Dan Thompson (Isle of Thanet News)

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"Serendipity is what you’re aiming for in Edinburgh: a happy discovery out of the blue. Yes, it sounds like a paradox, like “expect the unexpected”. But up here, you must not just expect it, but welcome it. So if you hear, for instance (in a genu-ine example from a few years ago), of a 15-minute musical about a stewardess called The Jolly Folly Of Polly The Scottish Trolley Dolly playing in a minor venue towards the bottom of the Royal Mile, well, it’s not much time or money, so you’ve nothing to lose by taking a punt on it. And if you’re staggering across the Royal Mile in the small hours and meet a crowd of drunken loud¬mouths, wait for a couple of minutes before writing them off: it could be comedian Arthur Smith’s legendary Alternative Walking Tour. This event, though, is now in semi-retirement following an incident in 2000 when the reeling mob was mistaken for a bunch of nocturnal anti-Ann Widdecombe protesters (no, honestly), which led to the arrest of comic Simon Munnery for assaulting a police offi¬cer . . . “assaulting” in the sense of getting in the way of the cop’s body- charge. (Munnery’s tried and acquittal were amusing, too, but took place outside Festival season.) The true Edinburgh expe-rience is being knocked side-ways by a show, trying to explain it to others and real-ising that there’s no way you can do so and still sound remotely compos mentis, such as the piece about 10 years ago which consisted of a Hungarian woman in a sealed Perspex tank, per¬forming a dance routine whose duration and moves were limited by the available air in the box. If I were to say that last week I was affected beyond words by a Polish theatre company singing the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh in the strange polyphonic harmonies of southern Albania, you’d no doubt wonder whether I’ve been getting enough sleep lately. Yet Chronicles: A Lamenta-tion by the Piesn Kozla com-pany is a remarkable piece admirable and impressive, though hardly shattering. And then, walking away from the venue a few min¬utes after it was over, I had to stop in my tracks: I was fighting back tears, for no reason I could identify. Somehow the piece had bypassed the conscious areas of my mind and tapped into the well of basic emotion. Harrowing stuff. But the main discovery of the month so far is altogether more joy-ous: a bunch of Ukrainian paper-tearing clowns: Around 1990, Italian “ori¬gami impressionist” Ennio Marchetto was the hit of the Fringe, performing a series of mime impersonations while wearing amazingly intricate costumes he had constructed out of card¬board. Marchetto returns this weekend for the first time in several years, but he may find his thunder already stolen by the Mim-I- Richi company and their show Paper World. Not that their show is as painstakingly designed . . . dean me, no. They sim¬ply tear loads of plain paper up and play with it. And I mean loads: possibly around an acre of the stuff per show. You walk into the theatre, see a huge paper backdrop and think, “Ah, that’ll be the climax of the show.” Not a bit of it: it’s already in shreds after half an hour, and the fun keeps coming. Mim-I-Richi’s discovery is a simple one: tear paper, crumple it up, and you can pretend it’s just about any-thing: a football, a baby, a maneating monster, what¬ever. It’s the same sort of aesthetic which has informed many of designer Julian Crouch’s projects in the UK with Improbable Theatre, but more endear¬ingly ramshackle. Also like Improbable, Mim-I-Richi relishes the spontaneous and unexpected; it’s that shared delight in the moment which is at the heart of the best clowning. The players go to great lengths to involve the audience in their show, and are happy to take ideas and run with them, even when the “idea” is an uncontroRa- ble little boy in the front row who won’t stop flinging balls of paper back at them. For this isn’t enforced audience participation of the “let’s pretend we’re having fun” kind. The four perform-ers manage to get hundreds of people in the Pod Deco’s main space all pratting about gleefully like kids in a playground; they create an atmosphere of free play that is intensely liberating, and make sure that every single person in the house is car¬ried along. All that without a single word of dialogue. People by the hundred are discovering Mim-I-Richi up here, but that doesn’t make the joy of serendipity any less when you find them yourself."
Ian Shuttleworth (Edinburgh Festival)

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"nominated for the CIRCUBA International Festival 2021 for having a unique musical number of its kind"
Circuba Presenta (Festival Internacional CIRCUBA )

Reply by Tarekito Clown
Thank you, it is a pleasure to be nominated for such an illustrious festival, I hope it can be held since it was suspended due to covid19 conditions ... thank you.

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"I hosted a family function with my three adult children and their spouses and seven grandchildren (ages 3 to 17 years old). My grandchildren are still talking about the magic, the fact that Houdanny taught them a few tricks, and the balloon animals! My children are still talking about the jokes and humor. Great show and amazing entertainer!"
Bob Crews (Family gathering)

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"Our evening with Sam Pearce was the PERFECT entertainment for our event. The 'Mingle Magic' was a great start to the evening! And the show after dinner was absolutely perfect! It was great to have so much interaction with the audience too!"
Sun Life

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"We had Blaze Magic out to entertain our customers yesterday, he was fantastic very well enjoyed by all our guests, highly recommend"
Hudson & Rosie's Table (Hudson & Rosie's Table)

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"Thank you so much for your contribution to Saturday's Ball. Your close up magic was absolutely astounding. Your personality and clear love of your work, really comes across in your performance. I am afraid I didn't catch all of your cabaret act, but asking around I have heard nothing but positive reviews. You really did make everything easy for me as an event organiser; prompt responses to queries beforehand, and kind flexibility to fit into our schedule on the night. Thank you once again."
Alistair Goddard (Charity Ball)

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